Industrial Safety
The area of risks differ from one working place to another. Employers are often asked to develop elaborate safety concepts for their employees‘ personal protective equipment and workwear. Different criteria that are sometimes hard to combine need to be considered and the acceptance of the choosen products and equipment is key for a safe enviroment to protect employees health and safety.
Therefore, the responsible people from the Safety and Health department and the users are well advised to cooperate with a partner who not only provides a comprehensive portfolio and certified products, but offers holistic solutions and competent consultation.
Your VWR specialists guarantee competent consultation with a selection of appropriate products and solutions that perfectly fit with your work environment.
Our service does not end with the delivery of products. It is one of our major added value promises to provide you, our customers, with the highest possible level of service. Our employees have put a lot of effort and thought into developing those services and solutions that support you in your daily business and remove unnecessary burden from your shoulders.
Besides individual arrangements like safety training and consultation, we provide you with other valuable services, such as our Change Notification Service or our support to enhance your lean inventory management that is featured by our VWRCATALYST™ Team.
Use VWR to improve the efficiency of your processes, so you can devote more time to your core competences.
Get in touch with your local VWR sales contact, and we will find the solution that perfectly fits with your requirements!
Ochrana hlavy
Odolné prostriedky na ochranu hlavy: bezpečnostné prilby, štíty, ochranné pokrývky hlavy, pracovné čiapky. Prostredie ľahkého priemyslu: ochranné čiapky/vlasové sieťky, detegovateľné ochranné čiapky, šiltovky
Ochrana tváre
Bezpečnostné sklá, ochranné okuliare, ochrana očí pred laserom, tvárové štíty, obrúsky na čistenie šošoviek, vrecká, dávkovače osobných ochranných prostriedkov
Ochrana sluchu
Jednorazové a opakovane použiteľné zátky do uší, slúchadlá, systémy inteligentnej ochrany sluchu, príslušenstvo
Ochrana dýchacích ciest
Jednorazové masky, opakovane použiteľné celotvárové a polovičné masky, filtre a príslušenstvo, systémy prívodného vzduchu, systémy stlačeného vzduchu
Ochrana rúk a horných končatín
Jednorazové, antistatické, tepelne odolné rukavice, rukavice na prácu s chemikáliami, kvapalinami, mechanickú prácu, ochrana pred reznými ranami, ochranné rukávy, dávkovacie systémy
Skin Protection
Soaps, cleansers - also for extra heavy-duty or difficult adherent contaminants, cleansing wipes, disinfectant agents, skin care - protective, regenerating, sun protection, dispensers
Ochrana tela
Jednorazový protichemický ochranný odev, pracovný odev, opakovane použiteľný technický pracovný odev, poveternostná ochrana, ochrana pred plameňom, výstraha s dobrou viditeľnosťou, podpora tela
Ochranná obuv
Bezpečnostná obuv, obuv do zamestnania, bezpečnostné dreváky, bezpečnostné topánky a vodotesná obuv, vložky a príslušenstvo, ponožky
Ochrana pred pádom
Produkty na ochranu pred pádom, akými napríklad sú kotviace body, závesné laná, mechanizmy na zachytenie pádu, karabíny a popruhy na ochranu pred pádom.
Produkty prvej pomoci
Osobné ochranné prostriedky prvej pomoci, akými sú napríklad súpravy prvej pomoci, núdzové sprchy, prípravky na výplach očí a obväzy
Solutions for your workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic
Tapes, signs, wipes and protective screens to keep your workplaces safe during COVID-19.