
Hľadali ste: Aplikátory filmu

Film applicators can come in the form of plate rollers or film-sealing paddles to assure a secure, uniform seal around all wells on well plates of all sizes. Use these tools to perfectly seal film to microplates. These film applicators enable you to ergonomically push an adhesive film down upon a microplate to form a tight seal and minimize air bubbles. This tight seal will prevent well-to-well contamination and sample loss.

Film applicators can come in the form of plate rollers or film-sealing paddles to assure a secure, uniform seal around all wells on well plates of all sizes. Use these tools to perfectly seal film to microplates. These film applicators enable you to ergonomically push an adhesive film down upon a microplate to form a tight seal and minimize air bubbles. This tight seal will prevent well-to-well contamination and sample loss.

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Katalógové číslo: (732-3335)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Kompaktní a přenosný aplikátor víček pro velmi snadné použití, stačí pouze jedna operace pro dosažení přesného a těsného utěsnění širokého spektra destiček s různými typy jamek.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (391-0241)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Sealing film applicator, VWR®, Fóliové uzavírací lopatky, nesterilní
Merná jednotka: 1 * 5 items

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Katalógové číslo: (391-1278)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Váleček z měkké gumy, který je doporučován pro zajištění pevné a důsledné aplikace lepicí fólie na mikrodestičky.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Temperature gradient plate for determining minimum film forming temperature (MFFT) test. The instrument can be used to define the white point/glass transition temperature of dispersion materials, synthetic resins, enamels and the blocking power and stacking capability of coated papers, foils, prints.

Katalógové číslo: (293-1411)
Opis: Ensure a perfect seal when using either SecureSeal™ Thermal sealing film or foil on PCR plates. Roller made of medium-hard rubber.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Prismatic film applicator with four application sides for applying paint films of four different predefined thicknesses. The prism applicators are available in film widths of 50, 75, 80 and 100 mm and are suitable for applying a host of different products onto flat and relatively solid substrates. Made from high grade stainless steel, the prismatic film applicator will not be affected by acid or base elements.

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Adjustable Micrometer Film Applicator. The applicator blade can be adjusted in 10 μm increments by means of 2 μm heads, over a gap size from 0 to 8 mm.

Katalógové číslo: (732-0907)
Dodávateľ: Corning
Opis: Axygen® EASY PRESS is a manual device which provides simple and effective application of Axymat™ and/or Impermamat™ sealing mats to 24, 48, 96 or 384 well microplates, deep well plates, microtitre tube systems and PCR plates. The EASY PRESS can be quickly adjusted to handle any size plate of varying heights (384 PCR to 2 ml deep well blocks) using the large thumbwheel.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Multi-functional film applicator with 4 application sides for applying paint films of 4 different predefined thicknesses. The applicators are available in film widths of 60, 80 mm and one side of the applicator is supplied with a guidance support for straight application. Made from high grade stainless steel, the multi-functional film applicator will not be affected by acid or base elements.

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Stainless steel spiral applicators with a film width of 320 mm are round bars tightly wound with stainless steel wire. The diameter of the wire, in wound form, regulates the thickness of the coating.

Katalógové číslo: (SIMEVF1550)
Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Multi-functional film applicator (Octoplex) with 8 pre-defined thickness sides for applying paint films of 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 µm. Film width 60 mm. The high-grade stainless steel will not be affected by acid or base elements.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Cylindrical film applicator with four application sides for applying paint films of four different predefined thicknesses in film width 60 or 80 mm. Suitable for applying a host of different products onto flat and relatively solid substrates. Made from high grade stainless steel, the film applicator will not be affected by acid or base elements.

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Bird-type film applicators feature one flat edge and one application side for applying a pre-defined coating thickness. Bird-type applicator single gap is available in film width 50 and 75 mm and can be customised for applying a host of different products onto flat and relatively solid substrates. All Bird-type film applicators are made from high grade stainless steel and are not affected by acid or base elements.

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: The Automatic Film Applicator Standard provides a reliable basis to apply coating films to test charts, panels or foils in a uniform and reproducible way in order to eliminate variations caused by human factors.

Katalógové číslo: (732-1380)
Dodávateľ: Corning
Opis: Axygen® sealing film roller is a durable and efficient roller for applying sealing films to any plate. Sturdy plastic handle and semi-hard roller head are ideal for complete and easy film application.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Industrial Physics
Opis: Spiral type applicator with a film width of 250 mm and available in ranges from 4 to 200 μm. Ideal for application of film onto thin materials, such as sheets or plastic. Also works on flexible substrates, and with motorised film applicators. The high grade stainless steel will not be affected by acid and base elements.

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