
Hľadali ste: Centrifugy

Centrifuges generate the rapid spinning force needed to separate mixture contents with different densities. Low density particles and substances rise to the surface while the heavier components settle at the bottom. Centrifuges come in compact benchtop and microcentrifuge options, or larger floor-standing models to fit any work space and plate or tube sample sizes and capacities. Precisely control the rotation speed of any of the different spin methods. Styles may additionally include refrigeration or pulse spin capabilities. VWR offers wide variety of high performing centrifuges from general purpose compact benchtop models to high-speed and powerful systems that guarantee reliable performance. Centriguation rotors of fixed angle, vertical and swing-bucket are available.

Centrifuges generate the rapid spinning force needed to separate mixture contents with different densities. Low density particles and substances rise to the surface while the heavier components settle at the bottom. Centrifuges come in compact benchtop and microcentrifuge options, or larger floor-standing models to fit any work space and plate or tube sample sizes and capacities. Precisely control the rotation speed of any of the different spin methods. Styles may additionally include refrigeration or pulse spin capabilities. VWR offers wide variety of high performing centrifuges from general purpose compact benchtop models to high-speed and powerful systems that guarantee reliable performance. Centriguation rotors of fixed angle, vertical and swing-bucket are available.

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Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Micro Star 21 and 21R microcentrifuges combine power, versatility and convenience in a safe, compact, easy to use laboratory instrument. Both the ventilated Micro Star 21 and the refrigerated Micro Star 21R are excellent choice for routine sample preparation process and for high-end research applications. The special biocontainment rotor lid, for one-click rotor opening and closing, shortens retrieval time compared to screw on lids.

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Tyto malé stolní centrifugy jsou ideální pro řadu výzkumných nebo klinických aplikací ve farmaceutickém a biotechnologickém průmyslu nebo v akademickém výzkumu. Nabízí dobrou kapacitu s kompaktním designem a praktickým jednoduchým rozhraním.


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Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Kompaktní ventilovaná centrifuga Micro Star 30 je hospodárná, univerzální a snadno obsluhovatelná kombinovaná odstředivka, která v sobě spojuje funkce vysokorychlostní mikrocentrifugy a víceúčelové centrifugy. Tato centrifuga s tichým a plynulým chodem pojme rotory pro mikrozkumavky (24 × 1,5/2,0 ml), mikrotitrační destičky a kónické zkumavky o objemu 15/50 ml, ale i 16místný rotor pro zkumavky o objemu 5 ml a rotor s výkyvnými držáky na 6 krevních zkumavek. Ideální pro použití v přírodovědných, biotechnologických a klinických laboratořích.


Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: VWR®, Rotor for 10×1,8 ml cryotubes, max. RCF 12300 ×g, Pro: MicroStar 12

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: VWR®, Rotor úhlový RA-6/50, max. RCF 4400xg, max. ot./min. 6000, max. objem 6×50 ml pro kónické zkumavky

Katalógové číslo: (521-3345)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: The CompactStar CS8 is a small ventilated bench top centrifuge designed for the separation of various samples in the fields of chemistry, life science, clinical research and routine diagnostics. The supplied rotor accepts 8×15 ml conical tubes, 8×15 ml (16×125 mm) round bottom and 8×10 ml (16×100 mm) blood collection tubes directly and smaller tubes with an included adapter set.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (521-1651)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Bezpečná a snadno použitelná odstředivka, poskytující optimální výkon v kompaktní jednotce.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (521-2849)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Ideální pro sušení sklíček k mikroskopu. Lze ji také použít v chladných prostorech.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: VWR® MiniStar silverline, Rotor na zkumavky 8×1,5/2,0 ml, Pro: MiniStar silverline

Opis: Process a range of general purpose applications including cell culture, microplate, bioproduction, blood separation and microbiology with the Thermo Scientific™ Multifuge™ X4 Pro centrifuge series featuring new touch screen technology, making daily tasks easier.


Katalógové číslo: (521-3365)
Opis: General Purpose Pro Centrifuges Cell Therapy Systems (CTS™) Series consist of equipment, documentation, and certifications, as well as compliance services that support Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. The CTS Series helps you get up and running faster, stay compliant and current with all necessary regulatory certifications, navigate regulatory audits, and stay on schedule, taking cell therapy from discovery to clinical research and commercial manufacturing. The refrigerated 4 L (4×1000 ml) floor standing and bench models are designed to meet the needs of today’s rapid-fire discoveries, with updates to help get research done quickly, consistently, and reliably.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (521-4072)
Dodávateľ: Beckman Coulter
Opis: JA-18 fixed angle (high performance) aluminium rotor, 10×100 ml, 18000 rpm, 47900 ×g. For use in Avanti J Series and J2 Series centrifuges
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Opis: Highconic rotor, 6x50 ml, 10 020 g

Katalógové číslo: (521-3937)
Dodávateľ: Beckman Coulter
Opis: JS-24.38 swinging bucket (high performance) aluminium rotor, titanium buckets. For use in Avanti J Series centrifuges (except Avanti J-E). Reaches 24000 rpm in the Avanti J-30I centrifuge only. Not recommended for use in Avanti J-25 Series (max. speed 10,000 rpm), or Avanti J-20XP Series (max. speed 10000 rpm). Incompatible with all J2 Series
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (521-3989)
Dodávateľ: Beckman Coulter
Opis: Four-place rotor with anodised aluminium buckets designed for use with modular disk adapters to accommodate a variety of tubes and other adapters and blood bag cups. Can be used with Beckman Coulter aerosolve canisters which are designed to provide added protection from aerosols. Rotor buckets are interchangeable with microplate carriers.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (521-3991)
Dodávateľ: Beckman Coulter
Opis: Optima™, VTi 65.2 vertical tube rotor package, 65000 rpm, 416000 ×g, 16×5,1 ml. For use in Optima series ultracentrifuges and/or instruments classified: HRS, Pro: Ultracentrifugation
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

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