
Hľadali ste: Kapaliny do termostatu

Circulator bath fluids guarantee safe and reliable operation for all temperature control applications. Choosing the most compatible bath fluid is critical for the best results in temperature control. Using these bath fluids, personnel can effectively maintain the desired bath temperatures outside of the range for water or for use as a high temperature heat transfer fluid. Temperature ranges and fluid viscosity vary depending on the model matching user preference.

Circulator bath fluids guarantee safe and reliable operation for all temperature control applications. Choosing the most compatible bath fluid is critical for the best results in temperature control. Using these bath fluids, personnel can effectively maintain the desired bath temperatures outside of the range for water or for use as a high temperature heat transfer fluid. Temperature ranges and fluid viscosity vary depending on the model matching user preference.

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Dodávateľ: VWR Chemicals
Opis: Silicone Oils 47 are polydimethylsiloxane oils, consisting of linear molecular chains of varying lengths whose groups comprise alternating silicone and oxygen atoms (the Si-O-Si siloxane bond). The silicone atoms are saturated by methyl groups – CH₃.
Dodávateľ: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Opis: Non-flammable thermal fluid for heating and low-temperature range. Thermal fluid for Hei-CHILL chillers.

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Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: Heat transfer liquid for use in systems with cold liquid overlay.

Dodávateľ: VWR Chemicals
Opis: A range of silicone fluids recommended for use in baths. Low in toxicity, inert and long lasting due to their low volatility.
Dodávateľ: JULABO GMBH
Opis: Bath fluids have been carefully selected and proven in long-term service. They are suitable for use with heating and refrigerated circulators whenever water cannot be employed as bath fluid. The choice of bath fluid is critical for best results in temperature control and operation of the circulator.

Dodávateľ: Thermo Scientific
Opis: MDL No.: MFCD00147787
Density: 0,86
Melting point: –6 °C
Flash point: 230 °C
Appearance: Clear light yellow oily liquid
Storage temperature: Ambient
Opis: Typ: Heating fluid, Bal.: 9 kg, Tepl. rozsah: +20...+200 °C, Barva: Průhledná

Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: Allow highly accurate thermostating, even at extreme temperatures.

Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: These transfer fluids allow highly accurate thermostating, even at extreme temperatures.
Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: Open systems are atmospherically open, as semi-open systems are referred to open baths with lids. The thermally active heat transfer medium in closed cold oil superimposed circuits has no direct contact with ambient air.

Katalógové číslo: (LAUDLZB353)
Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: Heat transfer liquid for temperatures up to over 300 °C.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 20 L

New Product

Dodávateľ: LAUDA
Opis: These transfer fluids allow highly accurate thermostating, even at extreme temperatures.

Dodávateľ: DOW CORNING
Opis: A range of silicone fluids recommended for use in baths. Low in toxicity, inert and long lasting due to their low volatility.

Dodávateľ: HUBER
Opis: Thermal fluids with a wide range of operating temperatures and good thrmodynamic properties for use in circulators and heating systems where water is not appropriate.

Dodávateľ: A.KRÜSS Optronic
Opis: Heat transfer liquid for circulating thermostats tailored for use with PT31/PT80.

Dodávateľ: Merck
Opis: Bath fluids for improved thermostat life.
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