
Hľadali ste: Refraktometry

Refractometers allow user to quickly and accurately determine a number of statistics including refractive index, Brix value, HFCS, or user-defined concentrations of liquids in various measurement ranges. Select models allow samples in the form of solids or pastes to be measured just as easily as liquids. Digital refractometers include LCD displays with user-friendly controls and easily interpretable readings. The refractometers deliver highly precise measurements while still maintaining small footprints in limited workspace conditions. Various models with features like automatic temperature control, calibration tool, digital data storage of up to thousands of test results are available.

Refractometers allow user to quickly and accurately determine a number of statistics including refractive index, Brix value, HFCS, or user-defined concentrations of liquids in various measurement ranges. Select models allow samples in the form of solids or pastes to be measured just as easily as liquids. Digital refractometers include LCD displays with user-friendly controls and easily interpretable readings. The refractometers deliver highly precise measurements while still maintaining small footprints in limited workspace conditions. Various models with features like automatic temperature control, calibration tool, digital data storage of up to thousands of test results are available.

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Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Simple to use, precise bench top refractometers for use in laboratory or production environments.

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Ruční refraktometry s automatickou teplotní kompenzací (ATC)poskytují přesné a konzistentní výsledky.


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Katalógové číslo: (635-0480)
Opis: The Abbe refractometer is designed for applications in educational establishments and laboratories, where wide refractive index ranges are required, or where sample throughput is relatively low.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Opis: Robust fully automatic instruments for the food, sugar and beverage industries where temperature control is not required, such as measuring sugar (°Brix) concentrations in the food processing industry.

Opis: These high precision refractometers are designed for applications in food and beverage, including fruit juice, emulsions or chemicals.

Katalógové číslo: (635-0832)
Opis: OPTi digital handheld refractometer with onboard library of 50 common scales including Brix and RI.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Opis: RFM900-T are suitable for chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, flavours and fragrance industries, as well as for academic research.

Opis: These refractometers bring with a line of high precision Peltier temperature controlled benchtop refractometers for demanding applications within the food, beverage, chemical and industrial industries.

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Ruční refraktometry s dvojitou stupnicí v rozsahu Brix (koncentrace cukru) a stupnicí pro měření indexu lomu.

Opis: Handheld refractometers use high precision clear scale, and simple zero adjustment with lock.

Dodávateľ: ATAGO
Opis: Accurate digital refractometers featuring intuitive colour touch screen technology makes the RX-i range easy to use and navigate around the operating modes.

Katalógové číslo: (ATAG5454)
Dodávateľ: ATAGO
Opis: Non-destructive strawberry Brix meter.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (ATAG3921)
Dodávateľ: ATAGO
Opis: The RX-007α is designed for water soluble samples with very low concentrations (5000 % or less) such as tea and low sugar beverages at a very high accuracy (±0,005 %).
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (635-0676)
Dodávateľ: ATAGO
Opis: This PAL-S meter with special scale is a pocket instrument delivering rapid results.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (BELL19-20)
Opis: The RFM742-M refractometers are robust fully automatic instruments suited to the food, sugar and beverage industries where temperature control is not required, such as measuring sugar (°Brix) concentrations in the food processing industry.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: ATAGO
Opis: The MASTER series of handheld refractometers provides a range of easy to use instruments for a wide variety of applications.

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