
Hľadali ste: Systémy fotodokumentační

Enabling researchers to view and capture fluorescent gel images, photodocumentation systems are designed for fluorescence imaging. These systems include a transilluminator, filter, camera, and darkroom settings via the use of a small hood or enclosed doors. Applications include fluids contamination, microbiology studies, antibiotic testing, and hygiene studies. High-resolution cameras deliver photographs in either black and white or full colour, and the images can be saved to a memory card or printed directly from most units.

Enabling researchers to view and capture fluorescent gel images, photodocumentation systems are designed for fluorescence imaging. These systems include a transilluminator, filter, camera, and darkroom settings via the use of a small hood or enclosed doors. Applications include fluids contamination, microbiology studies, antibiotic testing, and hygiene studies. High-resolution cameras deliver photographs in either black and white or full colour, and the images can be saved to a memory card or printed directly from most units.

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Katalógové číslo: (730-1471)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: The VWR® CHEMI only system is dedicated to chemiluminescence imaging. The system is built for high performance automation and features a next generation, high quantum efficiency CCD camera for even greater sensitivity. A very simple set-up process means a single click will automatically capture a quality image of any Western blot.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: Corning
Opis: Axygen® gel documentation systems easily capture publication quality, 16 bit TIFF images. The systems are quick to set up and have an intuitive user interface for image capture, annotation, and contrast adjustment. Images are easily saved and opened in common gel analysis software for more detailed analysis.

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Dodávateľ: SYNOPTICS
Opis: The G:BOX mini is a compact, multi application imaging system for accurately imaging mini and midi fluorescence and visible gels, multiplex fluorescence Western blots, stain free gels and chemiluminescent blots.

Katalógové číslo: (730-0496)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: VWR SMART5 je nová generace úsporného, integrovaného zobrazovacího systému pro analýzu DNA, proteinů a dokumentaci gelů.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (SYNOGBOX-F3-LFB)
Dodávateľ: SYNOPTICS
Opis: The Syngene G:BOX-F³ gel imaging system is designed for general fluorescence applications, including DNA and protein analysis. The range of applications available can be extended by adding lighting modules*. Driven from a database containing hundreds of application protocols, functional control of the G:BOX-F³ is handled by the GeneSys automatic control software, although full manual control is also possible. It has a 3,8 megapixel camera with motorised (f/1,2) lens , which gives high quality images with undetectable noise.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (730-1470)
Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: The VWR® Basic gel documentation system offers reproducible, high resolution digital images for gel documentation. This entry level system is easy to use and allows real time images to be captured and viewed directly on a PC or laptop (not supplied). The VWR® Basic system can be illuminated using transillumination from UV, white or blue light. These flexible lighting options make the VWR® Basic suitable for capturing and viewing images from a wide range of samples.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Dodávateľ: VWR Collection
Opis: Dokumentační a analytické systémy gelu VWR® Imager jsou dostupné v konfiguracích vhodných pro fluorescenční a chemiluminiscenční aplikace. Oba modely jsou vybaveny digitální CCD kamerou (3, 8 nebo 4 MP), která využívá nejnovější USB technologii. Standardní systém obsahuje 12bitovou CCD kameru, kterou lze softwarově upravit na 16bitovou. Systém CHEMI Premium je vybaven skutečnou 16bitovou pokročilou chlazenou CCD kamerou schopnou zachytit snímky široké škály chemiluminiscenčních vzorků pomocí běžných substrátů.

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62242)
Opis: This black plastic sample screen is used to cover the transilluminator on the myECL™ imager.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62239)
Opis: Thermo Scientific™ 510 to 550 nm bandpass filter is a threaded, 50 mm diameter glass filter. This product is used for the addition of a green filter to one of two open positions in the myECL Imager for detection (emission) wavelengths of common fluorescent nucleic acid stains, such as SYBR* Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stain and SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62267)
Opis: Plastic imaging target with printed design; 7×6,5 inches (178×165 mm). This product is a replacement for the myECL™ Imager accessory used for focusing in all imaging modes.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62255)
Opis: These lamp bulbs with ultraviolet emission are used to replace the one of six pre-installed 306 nm UV bulbs in the myECL™ imager. All six lamps must be the same bulb type (365 or 306 nm).
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62240)
Opis: Thermo Scientific™ 600 to 640 nm bandpass filter is a threaded, 50 mm diameter glass filter. This product is used for the addition of a red filter to one of two open positions in the myECL™iImager for detection (emission) wavelengths of common fluorescent protein stains, such as SYPRO® Red Protein Gel Stain, SYPRO® Ruby Protein Gel Stain and Deep Purple® Total Protein Stain.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62241)
Opis: Thermo Scientific™ 445 to 480 nm bandpass filter is a threaded, 50 mm diameter glass filter. This product is used for the addition of a blue filter to one of two open positions in the myECL Imager for detection of blue-fluorescent dyes and stains.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Katalógové číslo: (PIER62244)
Opis: This clear plastic sample screen is used to cover the transilluminator on the myECL™ imager. It is a replacement for the accessory used on the transilluminator for acquiring images in the UV mode.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

Opis: The PhotoDoc-It™ 70 is designed to capture, print and save colour images for basic gel documentation without the need for film.

Dodávateľ: LONZA
Opis: The FlashGel® camera captures data from the FlashGel® system, allowing complete separation, recovery and documentation safely, at the bench, in minutes. This simple digital camera in an enclosed hood connects directly to a laptop, PC or PDA via USB.

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Zásoby tejto položky sú obmedzené, no môžu sa nachádzať v inom sklade blízko pri vás. Uistite sa prosím, že ste prihlásený/á na tejto lokalite, aby sa mohli zobraziť dostupné zásoby. Ak sa stále zobrazuje zavolajte a potrebujete pomoc, zavolajte nám prosím na číslo +43 1 97002 - 0.
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-Na zakúpenie tejto položky môže byť potrebná dodatočná dokumentácia. Ak to bude potrebné, skontaktuje sa s vami zástupca spoločnosti VWR.
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