
Hľadali ste: Systémy pro extrakci proteinů

Protein extraction kits provide a simple, rapid, and reproducible method for preparing total cellular protein extracts from a wide variety of biological samples. The results of these extraction systems generate protein samples that can be applied directly to a variety of applications. High-performance models are designed for efficient recovery of genomic DNA and RNA. These extraction kits are capable of purifying genomic DNA, total RNA, and total protein simultaneously from cultured cells, animal tissues, whole blood, and biological fluids.

Protein extraction kits provide a simple, rapid, and reproducible method for preparing total cellular protein extracts from a wide variety of biological samples. The results of these extraction systems generate protein samples that can be applied directly to a variety of applications. High-performance models are designed for efficient recovery of genomic DNA and RNA. These extraction kits are capable of purifying genomic DNA, total RNA, and total protein simultaneously from cultured cells, animal tissues, whole blood, and biological fluids.

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Katalógové číslo: (ENZOENZ450150100)
Opis: Rapid, reliable method to isolate nucleic acid-free nuclear proteins in mammalian cells and tissues.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

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Katalógové číslo: (ENZOENZ450130002)
Opis: Rapid, reliable, high throughput method to isolate histone proteins in mammalian cells for histone modification applications.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

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Katalógové číslo: (786-260)
Opis: FOCUS™ SubCell for the fractionation of mitochondrial, nuclear, and cytosolic soluble and membrane proteins.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-241)
Opis: InGel™ provides a reliable method for the proteolytic digestion and subsequent extration of silver stained proteins in gel for subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-250)
Opis: Lipid rafts are membrane microdomains that are enriched in caveolin, cholesterol, glycolipids, sphingolipids and glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol. Lipid rafts are also known as detergent-insoluble glycolipid-enriched complexes (GEMs) or DIGs. Many signalling proteins, including glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, doubly-acylated tyrosine kinases of the Src family, and transmembrane proteins, are located in lipid rafts. Lipid raft localised proteins have been shown to be involved in intracellular membrane trafficking and signalling.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Opis: Protein-S-S-Reductant™ uses TCEP (Tris [2-carboxyethyl] phosphine), a popular alternative to β-mercaptoethanol and DTT (dithiothreitol). TCEP improves stability, increases effectiveness, and reduces proteins over a wider range of pH, including lower acidic pHs. Protein-S-S-Reductant™ completely reduces stable disulfide bonds in less than 5 minutes at room temperature and is compatible with the protein alkylation reactions. This ready to use solution is at a neutral pH and stabilised for long-term storage. Simply supplement Protein-S-S-Reductant™ in place of DTT or β-mercaptoethanol and boil the sample.

Dodávateľ: BIOTIUM
Opis: AccuOrange™ Protein Quantitation Kit is a highly sensitive fluorescence-based assay for quantitating purified protein samples in 96-well format (excitation/emission = 480/598 nm).

Opis: Pierce™ TMT™ Isobaric Mass Tagging kits and reagents enable multiplex quantitation of proteins extracted from cells and tissues using tandem mass spectrometry. The Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) reagent family consists of TMTduplex and TMTsixplex sets which are specially designed to enable a rapid and cost-effective transition from method development to high-throughput protein quantitation.

Katalógové číslo: (786-259)
Opis: Specifically designed for plant research and supplied with plant specific reagents, including reagents for removal of plant pigments and other natural products that may interfere with protein analysis. Extracts and solubilises nearly all of the proteins from plants, including membrane as well as soluble proteins. Supplied with a strong proprietary chaotropic extraction buffer to solubilise even the most difficult proteins.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-360)
Opis: Extracts and solubilises nearly all of the proteins from insect cell cultures (i.e. Sf9 and Sf21), including membrane as well as soluble proteins, using a strong chaotropic extraction buffer to solubilise even the most difficult proteins.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-249)
Opis: FOCUS™ Membrane Proteins for the fractionation of highly enriched membrane proteins.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-257)
Opis: Specifically designed for yeast research and supplied with yeast specific reagents. Extracts and solubilises nearly all of the proteins from yeast, including membrane and soluble proteins. Extraction is based on gentle lysis of yeast cells with a yeast lytic enzyme preparation, LongLife™ Zymolyase®, which has improved stability and shelf life. Enzymatic action is followed by extraction of total proteome with the supplied strong chaotropic extraction buffer that solubilises even the most difficult proteins.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Katalógové číslo: (786-244)
Opis: SilverOUT removes interfering silver ions from gel pieces.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 100 Tests

Opis: Antibody Fab and F(ab)₂ Fragmentation of Mouse IgG<sub>1</sub> Kits are designed for the generation and isolation of Fab and F(ab)₂ fragments from mouse IgG₁ molecules. The kit utilises Immobilised Ficin resin. Ficin (or Ficain) (~25000 Da) is a cysteine protease enzyme (EC isolated from fig latex that has the endopeptidase activity to cleave immunoglobulin G molecules in the hinge region. Ficin has an effective range of pH 4 to 9,5 with an optimal pH of 6,5 and cleaves bonds that involve uncharged or aromatic amino acids. Ficin is typically used to cleave mouse IgG₁ as this is difficult to cleave with papain and pepsin. In the presence of 1 to 4 mM or 10 to 20 mM cysteine, ficin generates F(ab)₂ and Fab fragments respectively.

Opis: Antigen retrieval reagent is used to recover antigens masked by fixation in cross linking fixatives such as formalin.

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Katalógové číslo: (786-793)
Opis: Ficin (or Ficain) is a cysteine protease enzyme (EC isolated from fig latex is that has the endopeptidase activity to cleave Immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecules in the hinge region.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 5 mL

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