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Innovative, high quality products for Genomics, Proteomics, Cell biology and Microbiology...
From manual to automated processes. Increase your throughput and gain more insight while saving costs and time.
Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development.
Quickly find the specific antibody you need from VWR's broad portfolio...
We are here to help you improve efficiencies and outcomes in your laboratory. Your success will determine our future; we support you to be successful.
Need to learn more about Chromatography and HPLC? We can help improve your knowledge in key areas such as understanding selectivity and method development.
You are looking for a specific separation. You can search our application library here. If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask us.
Ak hľadáte radu odborníka a prístup k sortimentu špecializovaných možností a fáz, ktoré sa ťažko vyhľadávajú, odborníci zo spoločnosti Avantor® vám pomôžu.
No matter what methods or technology you use, Avantor offers a comprehensive catalog of the equipment, reagents, chemicals, consumables, tools, and other products you need every day.
Acros Organics™, Alfa Aesar™ and Maybridge™ are merging into one brand, Thermo Scientific™. All the products you love, in one complete portfolio.
Find the biological materials you need for upstream bioprocessing, including bulk-sized biological buffers and biochemicals...
Avantor supports end-to-end fluid management solutions – including Masterflex® peristaltic pumps and aseptic fluid transfer solutions – that are reliable and customer-centric, helping bioprocessing manufacturers meet their research and production goals.
Providing our customers with the information and tools to help them acquire the appropriate safety products and services for their specific needs...
Comfortable fit and performance, featuring wide flexible temple arms and a combined soft nose bridge.
With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments in labs or industrial applications.
Fully encapsulated for hazardrous environments, with +ve pressure provided by powered air purifying respirators.
This carefully selected portfolio is specifically designed to help you prevent potential contamination and maintain aseptic conditions in cleanrooms and controlled environments...
Resources to advance fundamental science
From scientific discovery to scale-up and commercial delivery, Avantor offers mission-critical products, services and solutions on a global scale.
To support the ongoing research efforts on Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 disease, we've provided easy access to critical products needed for virus research and detection...
Spoločnosť VWR je hrdá na to, že ponúka svojim zákazníkom možnosť výberu z najväčšieho spektra chemikálií z jedného zdroja
Antivibračná doska z lešteného granitu – 44 kg, d x š x v: 560 x 450 x 65 mm...
Z nemagnetickej leštenej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, drôtené závažia až do 500 mg...
Acros Organics™, Alfa Aesar™ a Maybridge™ se spojují do jedné značky Thermo Scientific™. Všechny produkty, které máte rádi, v jednom kompletním portfoliu.
Open-architecture fluid handling provider offering complete design, manufacturing and logistics to support every stage of your biomanufacturing process – wherever your operations are located across the globe.
Výkonný a energický výskum a vývoj je základom všetkých priemyselných odvetví...
Featuring a graphic touch display and new features such as real-time level support,integrated protection systems and CalAuditTrail for gapless documentation
The most reliable supply of exceptional quality Fetal Bovine Serum...
Spoločnosť VWR vám dokáže poskytnúť podporu vo vašom prostredí počnúc surovinami, až po kontrolu hygieny...
Ask for larger pack sizes or bulk quantities that are not available in this page by using the customization request form.
These nitrile disposable gloves are the ultimate barrier against harmful exposures and rip-tear.
Dobre fungujúce laboratórium kontroly kvality zabezpečuje integritu výrobného procesu spoločnosti počnúc overovaním surovín až po overovanie dokončených produktov...
Spoločnosť VWR je dnes popredným dodávateľom špecializovaných farbiacich materiálov na trhu s produktmi pre patológiu. Dennodenne vytvárame portfólio produktov pre svojich klinických zákazníkov...
3-násobná odolnosť voči prepichnutiu latexových alebo vinylových jednorazových rukavíc – AQL 0,65...
Ovládanie rýchlosti, času a nastavenia sklonu pomocou dotykovej klávesnice počas prevádzky...
Na odber alebo vstreknutie liečiv z vialiek s gumenými zátkami a sklenených nádržiek. Dizajn špičky bráni bodnému poraneniu ihlou...
Od nejzákladnějších mikroskopů přes sofistikované modely, systémy pro záznam obrazu a zdroje studeného světla až po spotřební materiál.
A large choice of products and services for complete water, wastewater and soil analysis, on-site and in the laboratory.
V našom sortimente určenom pre oblasť Vzdelávanie/Školy nájdete materiály na výučbu chémie, fyziky a biológie
Spoločnosť VWR naďalej ponúka zákazníkom najmodernejšie portfólio elektronického obchodovania
Okrúhle sedadlo z čierneho polyuretánu...
Veľké, mäkké čalúnené vankúše, ktoré sú anatomicky tvarované s oporou panvy a integrovanou oporou dolnej časti chrbtice pre väčšie pohodlie...
Jednoducho ovládateľný viacúčelový dvojposchodový vozík, ktorý sa dá stlačením tlačidla zložiť naplocho v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd. Vybavený jedným skladacím boxom s kapacitou 46 l...
Nové prémiové vodivé a nevodivé robotické špičky New Avantor® J.T.Baker® majú vynikajúcu kvalitu a svojím spoľahlivým výkonom prinášajú výsledky, ktorým môžete dôverovať.
As your trusted, collaborative partner, Avantor Services helps you increase efficiency, maximize productivity, and accelerate innovation.
Avantor Services provides a wide range of specialized services and digital solutions to help you solve complex challenges.
We’ve built our reputation on consistent, comprehensive mastery of day-to-day operations, allowing lab, clinical, and production environments to focus their high-value resources on core scientific priorities.
As our customers’ needs have evolved, so have our capabilities. We have become experts in scientific operations, improving performance with sophisticated solutions and providing guidance on best practices.
You can select and customize services for peak efficiency, quality, and accelerated innovation.
Contact us at services@avantorsciences.com.
Sourcing, Kitting and Management of Ancillary Supplies and Equipment for all your clinical trials.
Providing a wide range of specialized services and digital solutions to help you solve complex challenges.
Spoločnosť VWR má sortiment nových služieb, ktoré boli navrhnuté tak, aby zefektívnili vašu prácu, pomohli vám znížiť náklady a efektívne riadiť laboratórium...
127 results were found
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