
Hľadali ste: Čtečky mikrodestiček

Robust, high-value microplate readers that can run samples based on pre-defined protocols and standard filter modes cover the entire visible range for a variety of assays. The plate reader optics are tunable for absorbance, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, and time resolved fluorescence assays (TRF). Compact designs make these instruments very compatible with small benchtop workspaces. These high performance machines are designed to deliver research-grade results for ELISA and protein quantification applications. These instruments deliver high precision and speed when reading 96 Well Microplates for single endpoint measurements and kinetic assay data gathered over time. Select models feature various detection modes, touchscreens, latest data acquisition and data analysis tools.

Robust, high-value microplate readers that can run samples based on pre-defined protocols and standard filter modes cover the entire visible range for a variety of assays. The plate reader optics are tunable for absorbance, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, and time resolved fluorescence assays (TRF). Compact designs make these instruments very compatible with small benchtop workspaces. These high performance machines are designed to deliver research-grade results for ELISA and protein quantification applications. These instruments deliver high precision and speed when reading 96 Well Microplates for single endpoint measurements and kinetic assay data gathered over time. Select models feature various detection modes, touchscreens, latest data acquisition and data analysis tools.

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Opis: The Multiskan™ FC is a compact, reliable and robust microplate photometer capable of reading 96-well plates for a wide variety of applications. It provides fast and accurate measurement with excellent linearity. One model in the range is fitted with an incubator providing temperature control up to 50 °C and the capacity to read 384-well plates. It takes only 6 seconds to measure a 96-well plate and 12 seconds to measure a 384-well plate. The wavelength range of 340 to 850 nm makes the Multiskan™ FC suited to applications from enzyme kinetics to Lowry assays.

Katalógové číslo: (736-0917)
Opis: SpectraMax® ABS Plus microplate reader can run both cuvette-based and microplate reader applications on the same instrument. Read one sample or up to 384 samples in a single plate by using any standard cuvette, or 96- or 384-well microplate.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Katalógové číslo: (ENZOENZINSA96)
Opis: The Absorbance 96 is a uniquely designed microplate reader for assays in 96-well format. By far the most compact reader on the market, the footprint of the plate reader is almost as small as the plate itself.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

New Product

Opis: Multiskan SkyHigh je spektrofotometr pro mikrodestičky měřící v UV a viditelném světle, konstruovaný k příhodnému a snadnému použití pro prakticky jakoukoli fotometrickou výzkumnou aplikaci, zejména pro analýzu DNA, RNA a proteinů. Je ideální pro prostředí s více uživateli, kde se provádí různé endpoint, kinetické a spektrální analýzy.

Opis: Varioskan™ LUX comes equipped with a range of measurement technologies including absorbance, fluorescence intensity and FRET as standard, and with optional luminescence, AlphaScreen and time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) modules. The instrument selects the measurement wavelength using filters or monochromators, depending on which is optimal for each measurement technology.

Katalógové číslo: (710-2148)
Dodávateľ: 3M FOOD SAFETY
Opis: The Neogen® Petrifilm® Plate Reader Advanced enumerates 11 different Neogen® Petrifilm Plates: Rapid Aerobic Count Plate, Rapid Coliform Count Plate, Rapid E. coli/Coliform Count Plate, Rapid Yeast and Mold Count Plate, Aerobic Count Plate, Coliform Count Plate, Enterobacteriaceae Count Plate, E. coli/Coliform Count Plate, Select E. coli Count Plate, Staph Express Count Plate, Staph Express Disk, and Lactic Acid Bacteria Count Plate.
Merná jednotka: 1 * 1 items

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